
无政府主义(anarchism)是政治理论的一种,坚持不需要也不欢迎所有的政权统治形式,鼓吹一种基于志愿合作和个人、群体自由联系的社会。法国作家蒲鲁东(P. J. Proudhon)在所着《什麽是财产?》(What is Property?, 1840)中第一次使用这个词,一般学者公认他就是无政府主义运动的缔造者。无政府主义者巴枯宁(Mikhail Bakunin)在「第一国际」(First International)会上与马克思发生冲突,1872年第一国际解散,巴枯宁的追随者继续控制诸如西班牙、义大利等拉丁国家的工人组织。无政府主义者甚至认为要过渡到无政府的社会需要暴力革命,而不赞同政权自然转移。无政府工团主义(anarcho-syndicalism)形成於1880年代末期,主张把工会当作工人阶级直接行动的基础,以瘫痪经济和国家的大罢工为最高形式。19~20世纪无政府主义也鼓舞了英国新拉纳克(New Lanark)和美国布鲁克农场(Brook Farm)等实验性团体的兴起。1930年代法西斯主义压制了无政府主义。第二次世界大战後,革命式无政府主义丧失其舞台,被那些自由意志主义者和共产主义其他支派所取代。

English version:


Political theory holding all forms of government authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups. The word was used only pejoratively until P.-J. Proudhon, now regarded as the founder of anarchism, adopted it in What is Property? (1840). The anarchist Mikhail Bakunin clashed with Karl Marx at the First International; when it was dissolved in 1872, Bakunin's followers retained control of workers' organizations in Latin countries such as Spain and Italy. Even anarchists who believed that the transition to a government-free society required violent revolution disagreed on the nature of the transition. Anarcho-syndicalism, which grew up in the late 1880s, based its ideology on labor unions (syndicats) rather than the individual, calling for general strikes to paralyze the state. In the 19th and 20th century, anarchism also inspired experimental communities, including New Lanark in Britain and Brook Farm in the U.S. Anarchism was suppressed by fascism in the 1930s, and revolutionary anarchism lost ground after World War II to a host of libertarian and communitarian variations.

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立 为 非 似

中 谁 昨 此

宵 风 夜 星

。 露 , 辰


细 无 轻 自

如 边 似 在

愁 丝 梦 飞

。 雨 , 花